Thursday, October 22, 2009

Falling of the wagon (also known as the book mobile)

I almost fell of the VT's 23 things wagon! Almost... not quite.
Then - through the wonders of modern technology I received an email in my 'in box' informing me of 2 other participants still hanging in there!
I was saved! I am back on the wagon!

All due to that one message: 'YOU'VE GOT MAIL!'

This week was dedicated to web generators.

Unfortunately I found the Ben & Jerry's web generator and got lost in flavor land.
Next, I found out the drawback of 'the buck stops here...' Apparently even generous B&J's stops their benevolence at sharing their (fun) artwork. In other words, corporate America (yes even those that start in backyard garages) do not want to play and share: You can play with their images, you can even send them to other people, and share on social networking sites, but you may not save them on your lovely computer.

I am thinking there are many computer savvy people out there who can figure out ways around this, but for those of us who like to just 'click and paste' this is a serious waste of time.
All that fun designing labels and flavors for hours on end - and then - NOTHING: no jpeg., no doc., no nothing....

I did manage to somehow get the picture transported to a word doc, but now have to figure out how to manipulate it from there. Maybe I should look at this as a gift from B&J: yet another opportunity/motivator/challenge to dive deeper into techno world.
So - whilst the world is waiting for the pictorial rendition of my B&J's flavor
(with lots of caffeine products of course!)
I will take this opportunity to clarify which of the 23 things occur in which of my blog postings.
I have taken the liberty to write some (opinionated) entries between the WEB2.0 articles, so this list should make it easier to find my ideas on the first 6 things!
blog posting: Continued education, day 1 thing: Blogging
blog posting: Week 2, 7 1/2 habits thing: comments on 7 1/2 habits

blog posting: From Flickr to Fall thing: Flickr
blog posting: Young Adult Fiction thing: Webinars (not one of 23 things but web2.0!)
blog posting: The Beauty of Banned books thing: RSS Feeds
blog posting: A Library's Social Network thing: Facebook
blog posting: Falling of the wagon thing: Web generators
Oh - and I did fall of the wagon: the ice cream wagon - despite my ravings -
a good helping of Cherry Garcia never hurt anyone! (especially not me!)
so thanks B&J, for web generators, motivation/challenges, and great tasting ice cream!

1 comment:

  1. This is how I get the jpg from the generators - the capture camera from my Notebook software. Do you use a Smartboard? Even if you don't, you can still download their software and use the camera. Then, once captured, you tweek it up and export it and then it's a jpg. Also, check out Exploring...'s blog - s/he uses a different approach... Maybe you already discovered yet a different way to do it. PS - Thanks for all your insights. I'm enjoying this venture.
